Next Meeting
Arts & Culture Advisory Committee
Date: Thursday, February 13
Time: 4:15 p.m.
Location: In-person meeting in the Raven Room, Municipal Hall
If you are interested in participating in this committee meeting, review instructions for public participation in committee meetings.
The purpose of the Arts & Culture Advisory Committee is to advise Council on the implementation of the West Vancouver Arts & Culture Strategy (2018–2023) and provide general oversight on arts and culture in the District of West Vancouver, taking into consideration the programming, physical administrative/governance, capital and operating funding, and ongoing operational aspects.
- provide guidance to staff and Council on areas of general oversight on arts and culture in West Vancouver
- advise and assist staff with prioritizing arts and culture strategies and incorporating them into annual divisional work plans
- work in conjunction with staff to oversee subcommittees formed to focus on specific strategies and review findings and recommendations
- provide input on the implementation of the West Vancouver Arts & Culture Strategy (2018–2023)
- review and comment on matters pertaining to the ACAC’s purpose as referred by staff or Council
Voting Members
Kirsten Hall, Scott Johnson (Co-Chair), Sophie Liu, Freda Pagani, Stephen Price, Anna Repstock, Scott Swan (Co-Chair), and Monique Wilberg.
Non-voting Members
Nicole Brown (West Vancouver Board of Education), Andy Krawczyk (Kay Meek Arts Centre Board of Directors), Catherine Schachtel (West Vancouver Community Arts Council Board of Directors), and Patricia Morris (West Vancouver Memorial Library Board).
Council Representative
Councillors Gambioli and Watt
Staff Representative
Doti Niedermayer, Senior Manager, Cultural Services