Through flood mapping analysis, the District has identified areas at risk to sea level rise and has recently adopted regulations for new homes to be built at an elevation that is safe from sea level rise and coastal flooding.
The next step in addressing sea level rise is to explore options for the District to protect public areas, including waterfront parks, critical infrastructure, utilities, piers, and recreational areas and walkways.
Staff have been working with coastal engineers to develop and design options to adapt to sea level rise and coastal flooding, including assessing the feasibility of offshore reef systems to reduce wave impacts and raising the foreshore and upland areas to accommodate rising sea levels.
To adapt waterfront areas to sea level rise requires support and permitting through Federal and Provincial governments, First Nations consultation, ongoing updated sea level rise projections, and financial resources.
North Shore Sea Level Rise Strategy
This strategy will help us understand and manage the present and future risks of sea level rise across the North Shore.
North Shore Sea Level Rise Strategy
Coastal Marine Management Plan
The Coastal Marine Management Plan sets a framework to guide the management of shoreline areas in the District of West Vancouver, including:
- Preserving ecosystems and managing coastal dynamics such as sea level rise and erosion;
- Protecting built infrastructure, parks, and natural assets in waterfront areas; and
- Managing development at public-private interfaces.
A draft report was developed under the guidance and leadership of the Coastal Marine Management Plan Working Group and recommends coastal management objectives and actions for District Council and staff to consider implementing over the next 10 to 20 years.
Coastal Marine Management Plan
Foreshore Development Permit Area
As climate change causes increased sea level rise and storm surge, it is important to develop building regulations in areas at risk of coastal hazards and flooding. A Foreshore Development Permit Area (DPA) would guide redevelopment of properties within areas potentially impacted by coastal flooding, and ensure that new development is suitably designed for safe use in response to climate change threats.