Active Transportation

The District of West Vancouver is committed to expanding, diversifying, and improving active transportation options. 

Active transportation options are ways to get to your destination that don’t involve taking a vehicle. Examples include walking, jogging, and riding an electric or regular bicycle. 

The Government of BC aims to double the amount of trips people take by active transportation by 2030. This will mean less vehicles on the road and a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. Improving mobility and reducing congestion on our roads, including enhancing active transportation, is also one of Council's Strategic Goals.


Cycling is a great way to get around the community. It burns calories, adds muscle, and it leaves zero carbon footprint. It’s important to cycle safely, for you and for everyone you share the roads and trails with.

E-bike Share Program

E-bike share is a short-term rental program for electric bikes that allows residents and visitors to sign up via mobile app to rent an e-bike from a fleet available at various public locations in North Vancouver and West Vancouver.


Traffic-calming measures, road closures, and improved pedestrian-designated areas make walking in our community very safe.