Longboarding rules are laid out in the Traffic and Parking Bylaw. It states that longboarding or skateboarding on any West Vancouver roads is not allowed.
Specifically, the bylaw says:
“no person may board, blade, ride, skate, ski, sleigh or use any other like means of conveyance on any highway...”
“highway” means the area of every public right-of-way lying between two property lines, title to which area is vested in the District and which is designated or intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles or persons;
“roadway” means that portion of a highway that is improved, designed, or ordinarily used for the passage of vehicular traffic;
Please note that bicycling is not considered “riding” and is regulated separately in section 11.2 of the bylaw.
Boards are permitted in two skateboard parks in West Vancouver: