Community Gardens

Community Gardens

Allotment Gardens

There are three allotment gardens in West Vancouver:

  • 1460 Argyle Avenue (30 plots) located between Millennium Park and Ambleside Park, the current cost is $82.90 per year plus GST
  • 1534 Argyle Avenue (24 plots) located between Millennium Park and Ambleside Park, the current cost is $82.90 per year plus GST
  • 6262 Marine Drive (eight plots) located at the Gleneagles Community Centre, the current cost is $32.45 per year plus GST

This is a popular program and there is a waitlist for garden plots. The program is open to West Vancouver residents.

Join the Waitlist

If you would like to be added to the waitlist please contact us and provide your complete contact details including name, address, email and phone number(s). You will be contacted when a plot becomes available.
