Information for Businesses

If you operate a business in West Vancouver, we’ve made it easy for you to find all the information you need.

Email updates for businesses

When you subscribe to updates for businesses, the District can provide business owners with timely, relevant information about initiatives, traffic changes, and construction projects that may have impacts on your business.

Subscribe for updates

Permits and licences

Find information on permits and licences.

Taxes and utilities 

There are five categories of business property class: utility, major industrial, light industrial, business, and recreation/non-profit. Depending on your property class, your tax rate will vary accordingly. West Vancouver business class rates remain some of the lowest in all of Metro Vancouver.

Utility bills are mailed out quarterly. For commercial properties, charges for water and sewer are calculated based on each cubic metre of consumption. Water is billed at the rate of $1.33/m3 and the sewer rate is based on actual water used for that quarter at the rate of $2.02/m3.

Find information on property taxes and utilities

Pay a bill

Use MyDistrict to manage your account online


Fire safety regulations

Find information on fire safety regulations, including fire permits, and Fire Safety Plans.

Local business organizations 

Doing business with us

If you are interested in contracting with the District of West Vancouver, all postings are available on BC Bid, as is all of the required application information. Your application must meet the specifications as described on BC Bid to be included in the selection process.