Temporary Public Art - May 2024 (2)

Temporary Public Art Program

The Temporary Public Art Program seeks to support community participation in the animation of public spaces. The Temporary Public Art Program supports art projects between community groups and artists which engages community members in the creation of a temporary work. Temporary works of art can explore issues, ideas, voice community identity, express historical and cultural spirit and create dialogue through art. 

Temporary installations are an exhibition lasting fewer than 12 months, which may consist of one or more works of art which are not for sale.

Application process

Temporary Public Art Applications must be submitted by an organization, not by individuals. 

Applications will be reviewed by the District’s Public Art Advisory Panel with final approval by the Director of Parks, Culture & Community Services.

Application form


Applications will be ranked based on the following criteria: 

  • public visibility of the location
  • community involvement and impact
  • potential impact on adjacent properties
  • provision of additional funding by partner group(s) or community funders

Additional Information

From the District West Vancouver Temporary Public Art Procedure (0082):

  • Temporary works of art may be produced by a professional artist or a community initiative involving a professional artist or facilitator.
  • Temporary works of art should be accessible to the public and located on public property such as District-owned or controlled parks, streets and buildings. Sites owned by the federal or provincial governments can also be considered.
  • For public spaces such as parks, temporary art installations will require approval from the District’s Parks Department through the Cultural Services Department before being considered by the Public Art Advisory Panel. Projects may be restricted or limited based on available public space due to public use.
  • Applications must be received from an organization or a group, individuals are not eligible to apply.
  • Proposals for temporary works of art are reviewed by Cultural Services staff and the Public Art Advisory Panel in order they are received.
  • The District’s Public Art Reserve Fund may or may not support temporary works of art with funding. If District funding is requested, staff and the advisory panel will review proposals and determine if funding is warranted. Funding would generally be between $1,000 to $5,000 CAD depending on size and duration of project, artist fees, cost of supplies, project coordination. A maximum amount for any one project would be $10,000 CAD.
  • To be eligible for funding support from the District, projects must either be led by a local community organization, involve local artists and/or have involvement from the local community in the case of a community public art project.
  • Community partners are encouraged to provide matching funds where possible or contribute through an equivalent amount of contributions in-kind.


For any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Cultural Services Department via email at [email protected]