Other Developments

other development

The planning department processes land use and development proposals received from residents and developers. Depending on the development proposal or project being contemplated, land development in West Vancouver will require a property owner or applicant to make a planning application for bylaw amendments and permits.

Preliminary Development Proposal

The preliminary development process is the first step in most development proposals and is completed prior to the submission of a full formal application.

Development Permits

There are five main types of development permit areas:  Environmental, Wildfire Hazard, Foreshore, Form & Character for Multi-Family and Commercial Areas, and Duplex.

Rezoning & OCP Amendments

If a proposed use of a site is not allowed by the Zoning Bylaw, then a rezoning application is required.


A subdivision is the process of adjusting or realigning an existing property line, or dividing land into two or more parcels.

Development Variance Permits

An application for a Development Variance Permit may be considered if a development proposal does not meet certain provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision Bylaw, or a Land Use Contract.

Temporary Use Permits

A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) may be applied for when a temporary land use or building is proposed that does not conform to the Zoning Bylaw.

Cannabis Retail Applications

The Interim Non-medical Cannabis Retail Policy permits one cannabis retail store in each of the commercial areas in West Vancouver for a total of four stores. Learn more about cannabis retail applications.