The planning department processes land use and development proposals received from residents and developers. Depending on the development proposal or project being contemplated, land development in West Vancouver will require a property owner or applicant to make a planning application for bylaw amendments and permits.
Preliminary Development Proposal
The preliminary development process is the first step in most development proposals and is completed prior to the submission of a full formal application.
Development Permits
There are five main types of development permit areas: Environmental, Wildfire Hazard, Foreshore, Form & Character for Multi-Family and Commercial Areas, and Duplex.
Rezoning & OCP Amendments
If a proposed use of a site is not allowed by the Zoning Bylaw, then a rezoning application is required.
A subdivision is the process of adjusting or realigning an existing property line, or dividing land into two or more parcels.
Development Variance Permits
An application for a Development Variance Permit may be considered if a development proposal does not meet certain provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision Bylaw, or a Land Use Contract.
Temporary Use Permits
A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) may be applied for when a temporary land use or building is proposed that does not conform to the Zoning Bylaw.
Cannabis Retail Applications
The Interim Non-medical Cannabis Retail Policy permits one cannabis retail store in each of the commercial areas in West Vancouver for a total of four stores. Learn more about cannabis retail applications.