The Interim Non-medical Cannabis Retail Policy permits one cannabis retail store in each of the commercial areas in West Vancouver for a total of four stores.
At the Regular Council meeting on December 15, 2021, Council approved two Temporary Use Permits to allow a non-medical cannabis retail business to operate for a period of three years in the Ambleside and Horseshoe Bay commercial areas at the following locations:
- 1453 Bellevue Avenue (Ambleside)
- 6609 Royal Avenue (Horseshoe Bay)
Temporary Use Permit fees*
- TUP Council consideration – $7,175**
- Renewal of a Temporary Use Permit – $1,250, plus the associated costs for notice of renewal
Rezoning fees*
- Preliminary development proposal – $1300***
- Rezoning – $8,750***
*Additional charges may apply as incurred by the District. Additional charges can be for items such as advertising, mailing costs, consultant fees and legal fees.
**The maximum refund for the TUP application is $1,000 if the application does not proceed to preparation of permit as per the Fees and Charges Bylaw.
***There is no refund for a Preliminary Development Proposal application for a zoning amendment. For a rezoning application, there is a maximum $1,000.00 refund if the application does not proceed to preparation of a bylaw.
Submission requirements
- Full description of proposed business operations, including past business experience, corporate structure, number of staff, products sold, target market, hours of operation and other general business information
- Description of expected time frame for commencing business activities (if approved)
- A Community Impact Statement outlining the following:
- Potential positive and negative economic, social and environmental impacts the business may have on the immediate neighbourhood and the wider community
- Strategies for mitigating potential negative impacts
- Security Plan demonstrating security features that comply or exceed Provincial requirements
- Owner authorization form
- Certificate of title
- Location and context plan (show surrounding uses around the property)
- Site and contextual photos
- Distance to nearest elementary and high schools
- Physical store details: site plan, floor plan, photos of the exterior, proposed store name, proposed signage, storage
- Proof of application to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB). If an application receives Council approval final issuance/approval of the temporary use permit or rezoning would be held until confirmation from the LCRB of an acceptable application.
- Preliminary development application form (rezoning) or development application form (TUP)