Stage 1 Residential Regulations
Stage 1 seasonal watering regulations are in effect from May 1 to October 15. Watering is allowed during certain times:
Residential Lawns
Even-numbered addresses on Saturdays
Odd-numbered addresses on Sundays
- Automatic watering: 5–7 a.m.
- Manual watering: 6–9 a.m.
Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers
- Sprinklers: 5–9 a.m., any day
- Hand watering, soaker hose, or drip irrigation: anytime
Vegetable Gardens
- anytime
Non-Residential Lawn Watering Regulations
Stage 1 non-residential watering is allowed during certain times:
Even-numbered addresses on Mondays
Odd-numbered addresses on Tuesdays
- Automatic watering: 4–6 a.m.
- Manual watering: 6–9 a.m.
- Watering trees, shrubs and flowers is permitted any day from 4–9 a.m. if using a sprinkler, or any time if hand-watering or using drip irrigation. All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.
- Edible plants are exempt from regulations.
In cases of mixed zoning, where commercial or industrial components are included on the same property as residential, the property is designated as “Non‐Residential.”
Visit Metro Vancouver website for more information.
Sprinkler Permits
Seasonal lawn sprinkling regulations are in effect from May 1 to October 15 annually. To water lawns outside of permitted regular sprinkling hours, a special lawn sprinkling permit is required.