3390 Marine Drive

Development Application - Archived Applications

February 2023 Update

The applicant hosted a public information meeting on its preliminary plans on February 3, 2023. The preliminary development application has been completed. Should a formal development application be received, information will be posted on the District's website (see "Active Applications").

January 2023 Update

The District has received a preliminary development application for a proposed mixed-use development project at 3390 Marine Drive (east of the "Black Cat"). The site is permitted to be used for commercial and mixed uses (dwellings above commercial), however a rezoning is required for the proposal. 

The applicant hosted a preliminary public information meeting on January 9, 2023 to present/discuss the preliminary development proposal with the local residents. In response to feedback that the applicant received from neighbours, the applicant revised the proposal and hosted a second public information meeting on February 3, 2023. Note: These were not District-led public consultations; they were hosted by the applicant.

The proposal may be considered under Official Community Plan policy 2.1.5, which aims to encourage mixed-use and live-work development on existing commercial-use sites District-wide.

This proposal has not been formally submitted as a rezoning application. Providing this project moves forward, the District will process the development application in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw that requires ongoing public consultation.

Preliminary Architectural Plans January 2023 - Superseded

PIM #1 January 9, 2023 Summary

PIM #2 February 3, 2023 Summary

Revised Preliminary Architectural Plans January 25, 2023:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner