1507 Bellevue Avenue

Development Application - Preliminary Projects

The District has received a Preliminary Development Proposal to renovate and expand the existing commercial building at 1507 Bellevue Avenue. The proposal includes adding approximately 3,000 square feet of office space by expanding the existing third floor and updating the building siding and finishing materials.

The proposal will be evaluated against the Ambleside Village Commercial Area development permit guidelines. The proposal will require a rezoning, a development permit with a variance, and termination of the existing Land Use Contract (LUC), which is set to be extinguished by Provincial legislation in 2024.

Preliminary Development Proposal

Applicant-hosted public information meeting

The applicant hosted an in-person public information meeting on its preliminary proposal on July 26, 2023. Below is a summary report of the meeting.

Preliminary Application Meeting Summary

Note: This was not a District-led public consultation, it was hosted by the applicant.

The next step will be for the applicant to submit a formal development application. Once the formal application is submitted, the District will process it in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw that requires ongoing public consultation.

The applicant contact is as follows:
Carman Kwan, Architectural Collective Inc.
T: 604-266-4679
Project Website for more information: www.1507bellevue.com


Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner