3900 Cypress Bowl Road (Area 5 - Rodgers Creek)

Development Application - Active Applications

The District has received a development permit application for a large-scale multi-family development at 3900 Cypress Bowl Road.

The proposal aims to provide for a 354-unit development within 4 apartment towers and several townhouse buildings. The development also includes a private amenity building and publicly accessible multi-use paths and cul-de-sac.

The site is zoned Comprehensive Development Zone 3 and located within the “Rodgers Creek Area Development Permit Area” within the Official Community Plan (OCP). Accordingly, the proposal will be reviewed for zoning compliance and the form and character will be studied for compliance with applicable design guidelines (Policy UL8.1 within the OCP).

Proposed Development Information Meeting
The District is processing the proposed development permit application in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw. Accordingly, a Proposed Development Information Meeting is slated to be held by the applicant on January 16, 2025, at Mulgrave School in the Senior School English Classroom from 6 to 7:30 p.m. 

A summary of the meeting, and comments received by the public, will be provided to Director of Planning, Building and Environment to aid his eventual consideration of the development proposal (date to be confirmed).

The development proposal will also be reviewed by the District's Planning Committee on January 22, 2025, at 4 p.m. in Municipal Council Chambers.

Architectural plans
Landscape plans
Design guidelines
Public Information Meeting invitation

Erik Wilhelm
Senior Community Planner