Most financial institutions offer online or telephone banking. Be sure to check bank processing times to avoid penalties. Refer to the folio number located on the front of your tax statement to set up your online or telephone banking payment.
The District of West Vancouver will accept all payments processed by the bank on our property tax due date. We recommend you make your payment early, however, if you are making an online payment on the due date, please keep a record of your payment should you receive a reminder notice with a penalty (you will need to provide proof to our financial services team). To have a penalty reversed, we require a copy of the transaction, and it must show the due date as the payment date (all others payment dates will not be accepted).
*Some banks require a 12 digit account number. Folio numbers for the District of West Vancouver are 6, 9 & 12 digits. If your folio is 6 or 9 digits, please use extra zeros to satisfy the requirements.
- A 6 digit folio number 01-0001 would need to be set up as follows 010001000000.
- A 9 digit folio number 01-0001-001 would need to be set up as follows 010001001000