Wildfire Preparedness


Wildfires can jump from the forest to your home, or from your home to the forest. Protect your home and community by reducing the risk of wildfire on your property.

Here's how you can help:

  • prune trees to three metres apart and remove lower limbs up to 1.5 meters
  • replace cedar roofs with fire-resistive roofing and add 3m screens to vents and under decks
  • store flammable materials away from your house
  • Don’t let yard trimmings and debris collect on your property. Yard trimmings are collected every week. Set-out instructions
  • use fire-resistant landscaping and building materials
  • clear eaves and maintain your yard

Protecting your home from wildfire is important any time of the year, but fire risk is higher during the dry summer months. To learn more about protecting your home and community from wildfire, visit: 

Fire Prevention & Education

The District of West Vancouver is a FireSmart Community. This program provides residents with guidance to significantly reduce fire hazards in their neighbourhood.

Contact West Vancouver Fire & Rescue for information on the department’s fire and safety education programs for children and adults to help you and family practice safe fire behaviours.