The purpose of this report is to provide a source of information for the District’s General Fund capital asset expenditures for the next twenty years (2016 to 2035). The General Fund includes all of the District’s facilities, infrastructure, and equipment, with the exception of the Utility infrastructure (pipes, lift stations, pumps, and other water, sewer, and drainage fund assets). This document provides a compilation of all of the District’s General Fund assets, along with updated service lives and a 20-year projection, by asset class, of present value replacement costs as at 2015.
A comprehensive understanding of long-term asset management is a key requirement in support of fiscal sustainability. The creation of this listing, and the anticipated replacement cost projections, is an important step in creating a meaningful long-term financial plan for asset management in the District. The report provides the District with current capital asset and infrastructure data that informs and supports the District in its ongoing asset management process.