March 2020 Update
On March 10, 2020, at a public hearing, Council heard from the public regarding this proposed heritage designation bylaw as described in this staff memorandum.
Following the public hearing, Council gave second and third reading to the modified heritage designation bylaw and passed the following resolution:
- staff be directed to continue to work with the owner of 1143 Eyremount Drive; and
- proposed "Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 5053, 2020" only be brought forward for adoption if staff are unable to conclude an arrangement with the owner to preserve the house at 1143 Eyremount Drive.
January 2020 Update
On January 13, 2020, Council gave first reading to "Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 5053" and passed a motion requiring a Heritage Report be completed and made available prior to the public hearing scheduled for March 10, 2020.
Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner