The District has received a Heritage Alteration Permit application for a new two-storey single-family dwelling at 4798 The Highway. Vehicle access is slated to be provided on the east side of the property which will also provide vehicle access to 4796 The Highway south of the property.
The proposal will be evaluated against the Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area Guidelines.
The applicant held a Proposed Development Information Meeting on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at St. Francis-in-the-Wood to garner preliminary feedback from the neighbourhood. Given feedback stemming from the meeting, the proposal no longer includes a two-storey coach house.
The applicant held a Proposed Development Information Meeting on January 8, 2025 at West Vancouver Senior’s Activity Centre. Accordingly, staff will review the public comments received to potentially modify/improve the project.
Prior to approval of the Heritage Alteration Permit, a notice will be sent to allow owners/occupants within the Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area (in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw).
House plans
Landscape plans
House rendering
Erik Wilhelm
Senior Community Planner