4798 The Highway

Development Application - Preliminary Projects

The District has received a Preliminary Development Proposal for a new single-family dwelling and associated coach house at 4798 The Highway. Vehicle access is slated to be provided on the east side of the property. This new driveway location will also provide vehicle access to 4796 The Highway south of the property.

The proposal will be evaluated against the Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area Guidelines.

Building Elevations
Building rendering
Landscape rendering 

The applicant held a Proposed Development Information Meeting on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at St. Francis-in-the-Wood to garner feedback from the neighbourhood. All public comments stemming from that meeting will be provided to the District's Planning Department.

The next step will be for the applicant to revise the proposal to address neighbourhood feedback and then submit a formal Heritage Alteration Permit (HAP) application. Once a formal HAP application is submitted, the District will process the application in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw.


Erik Wilhelm
Senior Community Planner