March 2024 Update
In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw, notice of consideration of the proposed steep slopes (difficult terrain) development permit to allow 4607 Woodgreen Drive, 4663 Woodridge Place, and 4665 Woodridge Place to be subdivided into five parcels was given to owners and occupants of all parcels of land within 50 m of the subject site. A summary of the comments received and the applicant’s responses to the comments can be found linked below.
Following the review of the comments received and the applicant’s revisions/responses, and consideration of the proposal against the development permit area guidelines, the Director of Planning and Development Services approved Development Permit 23-003 on February 28, 2024.
February 2024 Update
Following neighbourhood notification the applicant has revised the application and provided additional information in the attached files linked below.
Response to Neighbourhood Comments
July 2023
The owner of 4607 Woodgreen Drive, 4663 Woodridge Place, and 4665 Woodridge Place has submitted an application for a “Sites with Difficult Terrain” Development Permit. The Development Permit would facilitate subdivision from three existing single-family lots to five single-family lots.
The three sites are 6,979 square metres in combined area. The topography of the site area slopes downward from north to south at an average of between 15 degrees to 20 degrees. Granite bedrock is exposed throughout the site area and are typically flat laying. Wood-framed residential structures are present on the three subject properties. The subject properties are zoned RS10, which has a minimum lot area requirement of 975 square metres.
Council has delegated the approval of minor development permits to the Director of Planning & Development Services, subject to public input. Please provide your written comments to John Carbon (see contact information below) no later than 4:30 p.m. on July 28, 2023, to make them available to the Director for his consideration.
John Carbon
Planning Technician