The District has received a Preliminary Development Proposal to convert an existing single-family dwelling into a side-by-side duplex at 2433 Mathers Avenue.
The proposal is being considered under Policy 2.1.3 of the Official Community Plan which allows for consideration of site specific rezoning applications to allow duplex dwellings appropriate to the subject site and context.
The proposal will require an Official Community Plan amendment, rezoning, and development permit approval from the District of West Vancouver Council.
If the project advances to a formal application, the District will process the application in compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw that requires public notification and consultation.
Applicant-hosted public information meeting
The applicant hosted an in-person preliminary public information meeting on Monday, June 6, 2022 to provide information about the proposal, answer questions, and seek public input.
Note: This was not a District-led public consultation, it was hosted by the applicant.
The applicant can be contacted by email.
Erika Syvokas
Community Planner