Every inspection request must be accompanied by a completed declaration form:
Electrical Declaration Form (PDF)
Electrical Inspections Completed by an Electrical Safety Officer
As per the Electrical Safety Regulations the field safety representative named on the permit must request an inspection at least once in every 180 day period.
Temporary Service Connection
A temporary electrical service for construction purpose must be inspected before B.C. Hydro will connect. Refer to Technical Safety BC Information Bulletin.
Permanent Service Connection
A permanent electrical service must be inspected before B.C. Hydro will connect. Ensure overhead lines meet minimum clearances and do not cross property boundaries (aerial trespasses). An Electrical Safety Officer may require a Load Calculation for the service before connection will be authorized.
Underground Conduits/Cable
Installation of underground conduits and cables require the approval of an Electrical Safety Officer prior to backfilling. Ensure adequate depth, sand bedding if required, and the appropriate caution tape (Caution Electrical Line Buried Below) is installed or on hand.
Slab Conduits/Cables
Installation of conduits and cables in forms or slabs require the approval of an Electrical Safety Officer prior to covering with concrete.
Rough Wire
A rough wiring inspection is required before covering and energization of any new circuits installed. No insulation, drywall or other covering material may be installed until the wiring has been approved by an Electrical Safety Officer.
Pool Grounding/Conduits
The pool bonding conductor and bonds for all metal objects within the perimeter of the pool must be inspected by an Electrical Safety Officer.