Official Community Plan Review

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Official Community Plan

After four phases of community engagement, including over 100 events and meetings, over 1,000 surveys and submissions, and a review process that included approximately 4,500 instances of engagement, the Official Community Plan was adopted by Council on June 25, 2018.

View the Official Community Plan

Official Community Plan Review

The Official Community Plan (OCP) is about shaping the future of West Vancouver: how housing needs can be met, where shops, services and community facilities are located, how we move around, how we can protect the environment and how we respond to climate change.

In early 2017, the District began a collaborative review of its 2004 OCP. Over the course of 2017 and 2018 through a four-phase public engagement process, staff worked with the community to develop a plan for the future of West Vancouver. The Official Community Plan was adopted by Council on June 25, 2018.

We want to thank everyone who contributed their time and ideas to the process of planning for the future of West Vancouver.

What Happens Next?

The adoption of the Official Community Plan triggers further, more specific community consultation to update West Vancouver’s Local Area Plans. Local Area Plans will be developed for Ambleside Town Centre, Horseshoe Bay, Taylor Way and Cypress Village. Each of the Local Area Plans will have their own comprehensive public consultation process.

Phase 4: Draft Plan

Phase 4, Plan, of the Official Community Plan review has been completed. Phase 4 included a number of consultation opportunities, public meetings and Council adoption of the Official Community Plan.

We thank everyone who participated in one of the various public engagement events in Phase 4 (Draft Plan) and for contributing their feedback on the future of West Vancouver.

Official Community Plan Adoption Process

Bylaw Introduction and First Reading: The Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw received First Reading at the May 28, 2018, Regular Council Meeting.

Public Hearing: A Public Hearing for the proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw was held on Monday, June 18, 2018.

Second and Third Reading:  Following the close of the Public Hearing, the Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw received Second and Third Readings at a Special Council Meeting on June 18, 2018. Video of the Public Hearing and Special Council Meeting is available.

Adoption: The Official Community Plan Bylaw was adopted at the Monday, June 25, Regular Council Meeting.

The adoption of the Official Community Plan will trigger further, more specific community consultation to update West Vancouver’s Local Area Plans. Local Area Plans will be developed for Ambleside Town Centre, Horseshoe Bay, Taylor Way and Cypress Village. Each of the Local Area Plans will have their own comprehensive public consultation process.

Community Meeting

A community meeting on the proposed Official Community Plan was held on Thursday, May 10 at Sentinel Secondary School. Thank you to everyone who attended.

Below is a copy of the presentation and video from the community meeting:

Community Meeting Presentation

Community Meeting Video

Phase 4: Engagement

Public engagement has shaped all phases of the Official Community Plan Review. In Phase 4, beginning in February 2018, the community was asked to provide input and feedback on a Draft OCP.

To see how the Draft Plan (February 2018) has been edited and refined into the Proposed Plan (May 2018):

Track changes version of the Draft Plan

To see a summary of Phase 4 public engagement and a full transcript of all feedback received on the Draft Plan:

Phase 4 Public Engagement Summary Report

Phase 4 Public Engagement Transcript

To see how the Proposed Official Community Plan compares to the existing 2004 OCP:

Comparison Document

Draft Plan

Phase 4, Plan, launched with the release of a Draft Official Community Plan to the community for review and input. A range of consultation opportunities was provided to the community from February to March. Analysis and a transcript of all feedback received is presented in the section above.

Draft Official Community Plan

Area-specific policies and guidelines from the existing Official Community Plan will be maintained and transferred to the new Official Community Plan. They are provided, for information, here:

Official Community Plan: Part 2 (Existing Area-Specific Policies & Guidelines)


In Phase 4, we produced an informational video and visual summary of the Draft Plan. For more information, review the materials below.

Visual Summary of Draft Plan

Phase 3: Directions

Public engagement for Phase 3: Directions of the Official Community Plan review has been completed.

We thank everyone who participated in one of the various public engagement events in Phase 3 and for contributing their feedback on the future of West Vancouver.

In Phase 1 we asked about your Objectives and in Phase 2 you gave us your Ideas to make them happen.

Phase 3 was about the directions that have emerged from citizen input into the process so far, and taking deep dives into the five Official Community Plan topics: Housing & Neighbourhoods, Transportation, Local Economy, Parks & Environment and Social Well-Being.

Summary Report

We would like to thank everyone who participated in Phase 3 of public engagement for the Official Community Plan (OCP) Policy Chapter Review and shared their ideas for the future of West Vancouver with us!

A Public Engagement Summary Report that summarizes the feedback and input we received from the community during Phase 3 is now available.

Council Report | Official Community Plan Review: Preparation of a Draft Plan

Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary Report

Phase 3 Full Transcript of Public Comments

Public consultation in Phase 3 included:

  • topic-specific Directions Workshops
  • housing pop-up events
  • a survey on each OCP topic

Directions Papers

A Directions Paper is created for each topic. These resources present the Directions that have emerged from the process to date and were used to inform Public Engagement in Phase 3.

Social Well-being

Local Economy

Housing and Neighbourhoods

Parks and Environment


Phase 2: Ideas

Public engagement for Phase 2: Ideas of the Official Community Plan review has been completed.

We thank everyone who participated in one of the various public engagement events for contributing their ideas and energy to the future of West Vancouver.

Phase 2 focused on developing Ideas for how the District could advance or meet the Objectives that emerged from Phase 1. The community will then be engaged in turning these “Ideas” into topic-specific “Directions” that will then form the basis for policies of the Draft Plan.

Summary Report

We would like to thank everyone who participated in Phase 2 of public engagement for the Official Community Plan (OCP) Policy Chapter Review this summer and shared their ideas for the future of West Vancouver with us!

A Public Engagement Summary Report that summarizes the feedback and input we received from the community during Phase 2 is now available.

Council Report | Official Community Plan Review: Status Report

Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary Report

Phase 2 Full Transcript of Public Comments

Pop-Up Planning Office

Planning staff held Pop-Up Planning Offices throughout August at the West Vancouver Memorial Library, Gleneagles and West Vancouver Community Centres.

Thank you to everyone who came by and visited a Pop-Up Planning Office.

Ideas Workbook

Thank you to everyone that completed an Ideas Workbook. The submission process is now closed and we are no longer accepting Ideas Workbooks. Please contact us if you have any questions about your Ideas Workbook.

Phase 1: Objectives

Public engagement for Phase 1: Objectives of the Policy Chapter Review component of the Official Community Plan review has been completed.

We thank everyone who participated in one of the various public engagement events for contributing their ideas and energy to the future of West Vancouver.

Summary Report

Phase 1–Public Engagement Summary Report

This report provides an overview of the engagement events and public feedback received during Phase 1. Some highlights of the process so far:

  • over 1,200 web page views
  • 12 stakeholder meetings
  • Youth Brainstorm
  • two World Cafés

Phase 1–Public Engagement Full Transcript

Having completed Phase 1, staff presented a Progress Report to Council at their regular meeting on Monday, June 19 and we have now moved into Phase 2: Ideas.

Progress Report


West Vancouver has a tremendous opportunity to plan for its future through a review of its Official Community Plan (OCP) and the development of a robust policy framework to guide planning decisions.

The review process will build upon the key principles and values of the existing 2004 plan, capture a decade of citizen working group input, and engage the community and stakeholders on emerging issues like housing, local area plans and climate change.

The OCP review will provide a number of opportunities for citizen engagement throughout the coming year as various policies are reviewed and local area plans are developed. 

The OCP Review is made up of a number of components parts including a review of policy chapters and the development of local area plans for centres and corridors.

Local Area Plans

Another component of the OCP Review is the preparation of Local Area Plans for centres and corridors.

These are locations where growth and change can be anticipated and the process for each of these plans will vary based on the scope and unique conditions of each area. 

  • Marine Drive Local Area Plan and Design Guidelines: A Public Hearing for the Marine Drive Local Area Plan and Design Guidelines was held on June 5, 2017. The amending bylaw to adopt the Plan was adopted at a Regular Council Meeting on June 19, 2017. Please see the project webpage for details on the plan. 

  • Ambleside Town Centre: Ambleside is the District’s Municipal Town Centre and the civic, social, economic, recreational and cultural heart of West Vancouver. It offers a range of services, amenities and recreational opportunities for residents of all ages and incomes, and serves as one of the two major commercial and employment areas (along with Park Royal Shopping Centre) in West Vancouver. The District has the need and opportunity to plan to ensure that development in the coming decades supports the needs of current and future residents and businesses. The local area planning and engagement process is anticipated to start in early 2022. 

  • Cypress Village: Building on the vision already outlined in the 2018 Official Community Plan, the District is undertaking a three-phase planning and community engagement process to create detailed policy for a new compact, sustainable urban community in Cypress Village and for protecting a large portion of the Eagleridge lands in perpetuity for conservation and recreation. Phase 1 (Vision) is complete, Phase 2 (Framework) is underway, and Phase 3 (Proposed Plan) will follow. Please visit to learn more and participate.

  • Upper Taylor Way Corridor: Taylor Way is a principal gateway into West Vancouver and a major transportation route connecting the District with downtown and the City of Vancouver. Located in proximity to frequent transit along Marine Drive and commercial services at Park Royal, the Taylor Way Local Area Plan is generally bounded by Clyde Avenue to the south and Highway 1 to the North (with plan boundaries to be confirmed through the local area planning process). Recent land-use changes (e.g., multi-family development and institutional uses) along the corridor have provided an opportunity to consider a plan that will look at the suitability of other land-use changes to guide the future of this corridor. Council will determine the initiation of the local area planning and engagement process based on resources and priorities.

  • Horseshoe Bay: After four phases of engagement, including over 50 community events and meetings and a review process that included approximately 6,000 instances of engagement, the Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan and Design Guidelines were adopted by Council on June 1, 2021. Please visit the project webpage for details on the plan.
Working Group Reports

Following adoption of the 2004 Official Community Plan (OCP), a number of citizen-led Working Groups were formed to respond to emerging issues and develop new plans and strategies.

Significant community engagement occurred as part of these working group projects, which represent our community’s own ideas and objectives for the District. A key part of the OCP review will be to reflect as appropriate these various plans and strategies in a revised OCP to ensure this valuable citizen input is captured.

Consistent with its purpose as a land use document, the OCP review will consider Working Group reports that address land use issues:

Heritage Strategic Plan

Parks Master Plan

Strategic Transportation Plan

Climate Action Plan

Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character & Housing

Environmental Strategy

Upper Lands Study Review

Ongoing Initiatives
What is an Official Community Plan

What’s an Official Community Plan (OCP)?
It's a community-wide land-use policy document that helps shape the future of West Vancouver. It includes policy chapters about housing, economy, transportation, parks, environment and social well-being.

Why is the District reviewing it now?
The current OCP was adopted in 2004 and the time is right to review it to ensure the community has a planning tool to address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Why does it matter?
Because the OCP is the District’s number one planning tool for the next five to ten years, and because it touches citizens’ lives in some way every day: how housing needs can be met, where shops, services and community facilities are located, how we move around, how we can protect the environment and how we respond to climate change.