Update: July 2023
District completes the sale of 1448 Argyle – “the yellow house”
A sale has been concluded for the former home of Jim Pattison, located at 1448 Argyle, with the new owner planning to remove and relocate the house. Once the house has been removed, the area will be converted into more waterfront park space.
The District's public consultation on the Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan spanned the first six months of 2016 and was focused on plan implementation (the "hows" and "whens"). The public consultation provided key insights that shaped the implementation strategy and in some cases led to changes to the plan.
Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan
A full summary of the process and results are available here:
Public Engagement Report (Appendix D)
11 Council-adopted Official Community Plan Guiding Principles
The Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan was created in accordance with the 11 Council-adopted Official Community Plan Guiding Principles:
- public ownership
- waterfront destination
- continuous public walkway
- shoreline edge
- arts and culture
- community arts
- heritage values
- waterfront related commercial activities
- accessibility
- sailing club
- building scale and character
Learn more
11 Council-adopted Official Community Plan Guiding Principles
Launch Event and Open Houses
Community and stakeholder consultation began with the launch of an online public survey and a presentation at the Kay Meek Centre on February 10, 2016. The survey asked for feedback on the different components of the concept plan.
Following the presentation event, three open houses were held at the West Vancouver Community Centre (February 17, February 25, and March 1). The open houses provided an opportunity for the public to ask staff questions about the Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan, and learn more about the survey.
Each open house was attended by over 100 residents. The survey was open from February 10 to March 9 and received 310 responses.
Community Survey
A key part of the consultation included a community survey that ran in conjunction with the public events from February 10 – March 9, 2016. The survey was available online on westvancouverITE and as a hard copy distributed at the Municipal Hall, Community Centre and Seniors’ Activity Centre.
Staff have compiled survey responses and prepared a summary report:
Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan: survey results
Community Update Meeting
More than 200 people attended the community update meeting on May 9, 2016, at the Kay Meek Theatre to discuss the updated Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan. Here citizens and stakeholders were able to see the updated plan for the first time and were provided with an overview of how the various projects could be implemented.
The evening included a presentation of the updated plan, a "town hall" style question and answer period, followed by a question and answer session in the Theatre Lobby with staff from various divisions
The display boards from this event are available here: