What is a Fire Safety Plan?
A Fire Safety Plan is a manual that contains vital information and safety procedures for each affected building and property for the purpose of public safety. The British Columbia Fire Code requires certain properties, based on building use or occupancy type, to create and maintain a Fire Safety Plan.
What is a Pre-Incident Plan?
A Pre-Incident Plan is a site plan of a building and property to be used by, and ensure the safety of our firefighters. West Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services requires a Pre-Incident Plan to be submitted along with the Fire Safety Plan.
What is a Construction Fire Safety Plan?
A Construction Fire Safety Plan (C-FSP) is a document that contains written procedures to address the following objectives: the protection of life and property, emergency procedures and fire hazard control. A C-FSP is required for all buildings or portions of buildings and associated areas under construction, alteration, renovation and demolition, and must be prepared prior to construction and submitted for review and approval by West Vancouver Fire Rescue.
Overview of the Review Process
View information regarding review fees, review stages, an overview of the review process and grading criteria for Fire Safety Plan, Pre Incident Plan and Construction Fire Safety Plan.
Fire Safety Plan, Pre-Incident Plan & Construction Fire Safety Plan Review Process
List of Approved Fire Safety Planners
View the list of current vendors that have been approved by West Vancouver Fire & Rescue:
Fire Safety Planners wishing to be placed on the list of approved vendors must be able to submit two consecutive Fire Safety Plans with two or fewer minor deficiencies.