August 2022
At their meeting on May 30, 2022 Council approved the rezoning for Tantalus Gardens.
February 2022
On February 7, 2022, Council gave first reading to the zoning and OCP amendment bylaws and set the date for a public hearing on March 7, 2022, to consider the development project (including the proposed development permit).
The applicant is hosting a virtual public information meeting on February 23, 2022, at 6 p.m. For more information about the meeting, please visit the applicant's webpage. Note: This is not District-led public consultation; it is being hosted by the applicant.
Current proposal
The District has received a development application for a proposed multi-family development at 6404 Wellington Avenue and 6403–6407 Nelson Avenue. The proposal is to redevelop the site with 10 detached infill housing units.
The proposal to provide infill housing is being considered under the Horseshoe Bay Local Area Plan based on directions 3.4.1 and 3.6.23 and based on Official Community Plan (OCP) policies 2.1.1-2.1.4 and 2.1.6.
The Design Review Committee (DRC) considered the development proposal at its meeting on September 21, 2021 and recommended reconsideration.
DRC minutes | September 21, 2021
The development application was updated and the revised proposal was considered and supported by the Design Review Committee (DRC) at its meeting on November 4, 2021.
DRC minutes | November 4, 2021
Please see the links below for more detailed information on the proposal.
Previous proposal (file closed)
At its meeting on October 28, 2019, Council defeated the development proposal for 14 single-family and duplex units at 6404 Wellington Avenue and 6407 & 6403 Nelson Avenue.
Michelle McGuire
Senior Manager of Current Planning and Urban Design