October 2021 Update
The development proposal will be considered by the Design Review Committee (DRC) at its meeting on October 21, 2021, at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be held electronically. Please visit the DRC webpage for information on how to observe the meeting.
The development proposal will be considered by the North Shore Accessibility Committee on Disability Issues (ACDI) at its meeting on November 18, 2021. Please visit the District of North Vancouver's webpage for more information on this committee.
June 2021 Update
Inglewood is hosting a series of virtual information meetings about its development proposal. Please visit the applicant's website for information on the dates and times of the meetings and learn how to join the meetings. Note: These are not District consultations, they are applicant-sponsored meetings.
The District has received a development application for the Inglewood Campus of Care redevelopment. The application includes 725 Inglewood Avenue and 721, 725, 733, and 735 Burley Drive. The proposal is to redevelop the site with seniors' care and housing.
The proposal is to develop the site in phases: The first phase would be to construct the new long term care buildings and move the existing residents in, then demolish the existing facility. The subsequent phases would see the full build-out of the site, including assisted living and long term care, affordable housing, and residential rental for seniors.
The project details, including the proposed building designs, heights, building programming, access, landscaping, and more can be found in the tabs below.
The application is under review. Dates for future public meetings and considerations by Council will be posted to this page as they are determined.
Project summary
Development proposal booklet
Architectural and landscape plans
Affordable Housing
Assisted Living
Background reports and studies
Arborist Report
Energy Model Report
Summary of Design Changes from Community Input and Vancouver Coastal Health
Summary of Inglewood Redevelopment Community Benefits
Sustainability Design Narrative
Traffic study
Preliminary proposal
March 2021
The District has not received a formal development application for 725 Inglewood Avenue and 721, 725, 733, and 735 Burley Drive (the Inglewood Care Centre Site) at this time and it remains a preliminary proposal. Should a rezoning application be received, this page will be updated and will indicate opportunities for public input and future Council meetings.
September 2020
The District has received a preliminary development proposal for 725 Inglewood Avenue and 721, 725, 733 and 735 Burley Drive. The preliminary proposal is to redevelop the site with seniors' care and housing.
Council considered the preliminary proposal at its September 14, 2020, meeting and voted to allow it to proceed to public consultation in advance of the Taylor Way Corridor Local Area Plan.
The applicant will be hosting the following public information meetings:
- Tuesday, October 6, 2020, at the Har-El North Shore Centre for Jewish Life located at 1305 Taylor Way, West Vancouver.
The applicant is holding two sessions on this date:
- Session 1 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Session 2 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Thursday, October 29, 2020, will be a virtual public information meeting.
The applicant will be posting information about this event on their website closer to the event: baptisthousing.org/inglewoodredevelopment
- Thursday, November 5, 2020, at the Har-El North Shore Centre for Jewish Life located at 1305 Taylor Way, West Vancouver.
The applicant is holding two sessions on this date:
- Session 1 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m
- Session 2 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
In accordance with BC public health rules and guidelines regarding COVID-19, each public information meeting will be limited to a maximum of 50 people in total.
Please note: this is not a District consultation, it is a development-sponsored meeting hosted by the applicant.
Preliminary Development Staff Report - September 14, 2020 Council meeting
Note: A development (rezoning) application has not been received. The District will work with the community and the applicant should an application be received.
More information about the project
Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner