The District has received an application to amend the approved development permit for 5039 Howe Sound Lane to enable the siting of an electric meter requiring zoning variances.
The approved Development Permit No. 13-070, required for sites with difficult terrain, enabled the subdivision of 5051 Howe Sound Lane into two lots (5039 and 5051 Howe Sound Lane). The development permit allowed for variances to the front and side yard for a garage at 5039 Howe Sound Lane. Subsequently, the garage was built in a compliant location within the building envelope on the northeast corner.
The electric meter is proposed to be located within the building envelope approved for the garage under Development Permit No. 13-070 at the southeast corner of the site. The electric meter requires the following zoning variances:
Front yard setback: 1.6 m variance
Variance to the requirement that mechanical equipment be located within the permitted building envelope
As part of the consideration process, neighbours within 50 metres of 5039 Howe Sound Lane will receive written notice about the application and will be given two weeks, from November 23 until December 6, 2020 to provide comments to staff on the proposal.
Topographical survey indicating location of the electric meter
Erika Syvokas
Community Planner