June 16, 2023 Update
31st Street to Westmount Road
Phase 1 work is approximately 75% complete and construction will resume on Wednesday, June 21 for the remainder of the work, including the installation of speed humps, removal of medians, new road markings, and Phase 2 work. The schedule for Phase 3 work on Thompson Crescent, between Westmount Road and Mathers Avenue will be coordinated with the West Bay school calendar and posted here when confirmed.
The roundabout at Westmount Road and Rockview Place will be removed as part of Phase 2 work in order to improve vehicle, transit, and cyclist safety. Staff are currently exploring suitable locations to relocate the decorative Westmount sign so that it remains visible, does not obstruct or compromise underground infrastructure or other utilities, and provides access for future maintenance.
Road restoration and planned District capital road improvement works from 31st Street to Westmount Road began on Monday, October 31, 2022. To minimize impacts and congestion around West Bay School, the work is separated into three phases:
Phase 1, complete
- Westmount Road, between the intersection of Westridge Avenue to the intersection of Thompson Crescent (excluding the roundabout at Rockview Place)
- Mathers Avenue, between Thompson Crescent and 31st Street
- 31st Street, between Little 31st Street and Marine Drive
Phase 2, June to September, 2023
- 31st Street, between Mathers Avenue and Little 31st Street
- Westmount Road roundabout at the intersection of Rockview Place
Phase 3 (Exact Dates TBD)
- Thompson Crescent, between Westmount Road and Mathers Avenue
What is Being Done
This project is focused on safety and active transportation improvements including:
- sidewalk, curb, and pedestrian crossing upgrades
- pavement markings
- sightline improvements
- bicycle lanes
- accessibility and bus stop improvements
- traffic calming measures
Impact on Residents
- All of the medians and the roundabout will be removed from the 3300 block of Westmount Road, and speed humps will be installed between Benbow Road and Cedaridge Place. The removal of the medians in this section will provide a wider travelled road width and allow for a separated northbound bike lane on the north side of the 3300 block of Westmount Road.
- Cycling improvements will include an uphill bike lane, buffered where space allows, with “sharrows” (arrow road markings indicated a shared roadway with vehicles and cyclists) on the downhill lane.
- Several intersections will be upgraded with new painted crosswalks, curb and gutter, sidewalks and pedestrian letdowns.
- Bus stop improvements will be implemented along the project alignment where some existing locations will be upgraded to include new bus pads which will provide waiting areas for passengers.
- Sightline improvements in some locations will require vegetation removal along the boulevard. Affected property owners will be notified by separate letter of the necessary removals in accordance with the District’s Boulevard Bylaw No. 4886, 2016, which provides for the District’s authority to remove boulevard improvements for municipal purposes.
Traffic Impacts
Construction signage and traffic control personnel will be on-site to facilitate pedestrian and vehicle traffic flow and the crews will attempt to minimize impacts during pick-up and drop-off times for West Bay Elementary School.
The construction timeline is subject to change dependent upon weather and contractor availability.