With funding from Fisheries and Oceans Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, the West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation Society collaborated with the District of West Vancouver to undertake the creation of two subtidal marine habitats near Ambleside Pier in 2015.
This work included:
- delivery of truckloads of boulder material to the foot of 13th Street
- storage and loading of boulders onto a barge to be transported offshore
- an on-site excavator moving boulder material on the beach
Why are we doing this?
West Vancouver is committed to enhancing and preserving its beautiful waterfront. The West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation Society, in collaboration with district staff, created a sub-tidal marine habitat for kelp, barnacles and mussels that are critical to supporting fish populations. The new reefs are expected to provide refuge areas for fish as well as improvements to the upper shore stability through the development of intertidal and riparian habitats. The primary fish species include salmon, herring, surf smelt, rockfish, sand lance, lingcod, Dungeness crab and red rock crab.
This work forms part of the objectives of the Shoreline Preservation Society and the District of West Vancouver Shoreline Protection Program.
All work was carried out under the direction of certified professionals and appropriate government approvals.