The applicant has proposed amendments to approved development permit DP16-055 that include changes to the design of the single-family dwellings located at 2823, 2827, 2839, 2851, 2855, 2867, 2871, 2875, 2883, 2889 Rodgers Creek Lane (Lots 21-28), changes to the landscaping (Lots 21-41) and modifications to a rock retaining wall (Lots 21-31). For Lot 31-41, no design changes are proposed to the single-family dwellings. The amendment includes minor alterations to the exterior of the single-family dwellings.
A variance is proposed for the rock retaining wall to extend from Lots 22-27 onto lots 28-30.
Development Permit Amendment 21-106 includes the following modifications to the single-family dwellings:
- For Lots 21-28: Improvements to the floor plans to move the stairs to the north side of each dwelling, so that all three bedrooms on the upper floor could be placed on the south side to enhance light from the south and ocean views. The family room on the main floor and the basement layout were also updated. As a result, minor external changes to the placement of doors and windows were made to the elevations to accommodate the revised internal layout changes.
- The geodetic elevations (building heights) were kept the same as the original development permit (DP16-055). Minor changes in terms of average grade, building height, and highest building face calculations are proposed to accommodate updates to the design of the north retaining wall. These changes result in variations to the rear yard elevations from the original DP and variations in the calculated height as shown in the table below.
- Minor floor area changes on each floor but no change to the total floor area ratio (FAR).
- Enlarged upper-level balcony and terrace on main level on Lots 21-24
- Minor changes to setbacks
- For Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28: The rear access door on the lower level was removed due to new rear yard elevation. Added rear yard access between the main level and second level. Removed rear exterior stairs/sunken patio from basement level.
Lots 22-28: Proposed Changes to Single-Family Dwellings
There are also the following modifications to the continuous retaining wall that extends across Lots 22-30:
- There is an upper, middle and lower retaining wall that extends across the lots. The modifications are to the upper retaining wall that is located 2 m from the north property line. Rock stack and concrete cast materials were not deemed appropriate for use in the project due to the large excavation area required to install geogrid and cantilevered footing.
- New material proposed for the retaining wall is shotcrete due to its constructability. The shotcrete wall will be finished with faux rock.
- Lower and middle rock retaining wall do not require a variance as they meet the District of West Vancouver Retaining Wall Guidelines.
- A new variance is proposed to extend the rock wall onto Lots 28-30 varying between 2-4 metres in height. The current variance of a 2-4 metre height rock wall is applicable to Lots 22-27.
- No alteration of grades from the original DP to the current BP proposal.
Council has delegated the approval of amendments to development permits to the Director of Planning & Development Services, subject to public input. As part of the consideration process, neighbours within 50 metres of the subject properties will receive written notice about the application and will be given two weeks to provide comments to staff on the proposal.
Architectural Drawings – Part 1 (original proposal)
Architectural Drawings – Part 2 (original proposal)
Architectural Drawings – Part 3 (original proposal)
Megan Roberts
Assistant Planner