An application for a Heritage Alteration Permit Exemption was reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits on April 2, 2013.
Exemptions for Heritage Alteration Permits may be given for:
- Interior work that does not materially affect the external appearance of a building or increase the floor area; or
- demolition of an existing building or structure; or
- tree cutting or fence construction for which no municipal approval is required, except within any required yard abutting a road or public property; or
- a renovation or addition to an existing building, comprising a floor area increase of less than 10% of the existing building, that is consistent with Guidelines HE6, conforms to the Zoning Bylaw, and does not include other site alteration.
Scope of Work for 4753 Pilot House Road
A Heritage Alteration Permit Exemption was approved as the proposed repair and maintenance work fulfilled exemption criteria based on the minor nature of the work proposed.
Immediate plans include replacing various rotting decks with new decks, including rotted support beams and railings and other work to seal the house to stop leaks.
Future plans including painting the house in a neutral colour palette and enclosing a small area under an existing deck (approximately 45 square feet) at the back of the house, not visible from the road.
Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner