Evelyn by Onni Neighbourhood

Development Application - Active Applications


Evelyn by Onni is a Master Planned residential community located at the base of Sentinel Hill. The 21-acre site is located at the eastern gateway to West Vancouver next to Taylor Way and is comprised of 350 units including single and duplex dwellings, and terraced cluster and apartment buildings. Development in the neighbourhood is guided by the Master Plan, which sets out the overall land uses and density for the site. As of March 2021, approximately 60% of the units are completed or are under construction.

Master Plan - Part 1 (PDF)

Master Plan - Part 2 (PDF)

Site Map (PDF)

Lot 1 (988 Keith Road)

Exterior of Cliffside One, 12-unit building

Lot 1, known as "Cliffside One" is developed with a 12-unit terraced cluster building completed in 2013.

Lot 2 (918 & 908 Keith Road)

Exterior of "Cliffside Two" and "Cliffside Three" 26-unit cluster building.

Lot 2, known as "Cliffside Two" and "Cliffside Three" is developed with a 26-unit terraced cluster building completed in 2014.

Lot 3 (876 & 870 Keith Road)

Exterior of "Cliffside Four" and "Cliffside Five" 23-unit terrace cluster building.

Lot 3, known as "Cliffside Four" and "Cliffside Five" is developed with a 23-unit terraced cluster building completed in 2016.

On June 2, 2014 Council approved the rezoning and development permit application for Parcel 3 within the Evelyn by Onni project.  The rezoning approved the transfer of density (units and floor area) to Parcel 3 from elsewhere on the site.  The rezoning did not result in a net increase in density on the Evelyn lands.  The development permit deals with the design details of the building for the site.

Approved Rezoning Bylaw No. 4788 (PDF)

Approved DP 12-018 (PDF)

Schedule A to DP (PDF)

Lot 4

Trail path surrounded by trees.


Lot 4 was dedicated to the District as a Park during the original rezoning of the site.

Lot 5 (866, 868, 882, 886, 888 & 880 Arthur Erickson Place)

Exterior of "Forest Edge One" and "Forest Edge Two" 71-unit apartment building.


Lot 5, known as "Forest Edge One" and "Forest Edge Two" is a 71-unit apartment building that was completed in 2015.

Lot 6 (790, 792, 794 & 796 Arthur Erickson Place)

On March 11, 2019 Council approved the rezoning for Lot 6 to allow for four townhouses (to be attached to the apartment building on Lot 7) and relocation of Evelyn Walk.

Approved Plans

Lot 7 (768, 770, 772, 774, 776 & 788 Arthur Erickson Place)

Exterior of "Forest Edge Three" and "Forest Edge Four" 67-unit apartment building


Lot 7, known as "Forest Edge Three" and "Forest Edge Four" is a 67-unit apartment building completed in 2019.

Lot 8 (No addresses assigned)

Lot 8 is located at Arthur Erickson Place and Evelyn Drive, adjacent to Taylor Way. It is the last future apartment development parcel remaining at the site. The Master Plan calls for a 119-unit apartment building, including 30 rental apartments. 

Council considered the development proposal for Lot 8 at its meeting on April 11, 2022. The proposal was to add 109 net-new rental units to Lot 8, which is approved for 119 units (89 condos and 30 secured rental units). The total proposed units was 228 (89 condos, 17 non-market rental units, and 122 market rental units).

Council did not support the proposal and the file is closed.

Lot 9 (No addresses assigned)

Lot 9 is located in the centre of the development site and is approved for 8 single family dwellings and 8 duplex units (total of 16 units). A development permit application for this site has not been received at this time.

Lot 10 (568, 572, 576, 580, 584, 588, 592 & 598 Arthur Erickson Place)

Exterior of single-family dwellings.

Lot 10 received approval by Council for a development permit to construct eight single family dwellings on the lot. As of spring 2021, the first two dwellings have been completed. 

On May 1, 2017, Council approved a development permit that will permit the construction of eight single family dwellings on Lot 10 of the Evelyn by Onni site.

Development Permit (PDF)

Proposed Plans - part 1 (PDF)

Proposed Plans - part 2 (PDF)

Proposed Plans - part 3 (PDF)

Proposed Plans - part 4 (PDF)

Proposed Plans - part 5 (PDF)

Lot 11 (710 Keith Road)

Exterior of duplex units


Lot 11 is a future development parcel that is approved for four duplex units. It is the present site of the Onni Presentation Centre.

Village Walk & Evelyn Walk

Long staircase leading up a hill with buildings on the sides.

As part of the development, pedestrian connections were secured to link Keith Road to Arthur Erickson Place, and to Park Royal North. Village Walk is located to the west of the site, starting between Lots 1 and 2, and continues along the west side of Lot 5. Evelyn Walk is located near the center of the site, between Lots 2 and 3 and will join up between Lot 5 and Lot 6. Both walks are complete and open to the public.

Evelyn Walk Plan (PDF)


Planning & Development Services