The District has received a Heritage Alteration Permit application to allow redevelopment of 4777 Pilot House Road including relocation of an existing house to the subject property and construction of a garage at the rear of the property.
The proposal is being considered under Official Community Plan Policy 2.1.10 and will be reviewed against the Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area Guidelines.
The proposal includes variances to the front yard and to the maximum permitted height of the garage as per the proposed plans.
Given the feedback received at the Preliminary Public Information Meeting, the proposal no longer includes a coach house.
Proposed Architectural Plans Part 1
Proposed Architectural Plans Part 2
Proposed Landscape Plans
In compliance with the Development Procedures Bylaw, the applicant will be holding a Proposed Development Information Meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2025, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Gleneagles Golf Course, Clubhouse meeting room, 6190 Marine Drive, West Vancouver.
Meeting notice and information package
Note: The Clubhouse meeting room is accessed from the outdoor walkway – to the far left (east) of the front door. Notification of this meeting will be provided to all owner/occupants within the Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area.
Preliminary Application Background
At the preliminary application stage, the applicant held a public information meeting on March 1, 2023, to provide information about the proposal, answer questions, and seek public input. This was not District-led public consultation, it was hosted by the applicant.
Applicant Preliminary Public Information Meeting Notice and Information Package / March 1, 2023
More information can be found on the applicant’s webpage.
Erika Syvokas
Community Planner