October 2019
On October 7, 2019, Council approved the following motion:
THAT proposed Development Permit 18-050 for 4175 Burkehill Place, which would allow for a single-family dwelling with variances to the front yard setback, highest building face envelope and maximum impermeable surface for the front yard, be approved with improved design development to address neighbourhood views and privacy as determined by the Director of Planning & Development Services.
The applicant has made changes to their proposal to respond to the Council motion.
West Vancouver’s Official Community Plan designates areas of land that contain watercourses and wetlands in Existing Neighbourhoods as Development Permit Areas. An Environmental Development Permit is required if an individual is doing any work within 15 metres of the top of a watercourse bank. The Development Permit Guidelines allow staff to consider zoning bylaw variances in order to prevent or reduce loss of habitat within 15 m of the top of the watercourse bank. Due to the proximity of a watercourse, the redevelopment of 4175 Burkehill Place is subject to an Environmental Development Permit.
An application was submitted on May 8, 2018 to permit development of a new single-family house at 4175 Burkehill Place. A letter was sent to surrounding property owners on October 15, 2018 describing the proposal, including proposed zoning variances. District staff received feedback from neighbours and the applicant updated their proposal in response to comments.
The proposal would allow construction of a two-storey plus basement house building at 4175 Burkehill Place. In response to comments from neighbours, the applicant has provided updated information and revised the proposal as follows:
Revised Submission Package - May 2019
Design Rationale - May 24, 2019
Architectural Design Response to Neighbourhood Feedback
The proposal includes:
- A two-storey plus basement house with 406.7 sq. m (net FAR) of floor area; and
- Two parking spots in an attached garage accessed via Burkehill Place.
Zoning variances are requested as follows:
- Front yard setback reduced from 9.1 m to 2.6 m;
- Highest building face (along southern face of the house) increased from 6.7 m to 8.6 m; and
- An increase in impermeable surface in the front yard from 50 per cent to 70 per cent.
The initial letter, dated October 15, 2018, incorrectly identified the proposed floor area as 336.6 sq. m. Staff note that the floor area has been reduced by 34.1 sq. m (from 440.8 to 406.7 sq. m).
A second letter was sent to surrounding property owners in June 2019 describing the revised proposal.
Michelle McGuire
Senior Manager of Current Planning and Urban Design