April 2019
This proposal is on hold at the request of the applicant.
February 2016
A public hearing was held on November 30, 2015 regarding this 17-unit development proposal. After the close of the public hearing, Council gave second and third readings to the proposed amending bylaws. Once the applicant completes precedent conditions (including the registration of covenants and entering into a Phased Development Agreement), the bylaws will be scheduled for final adoption and the proposed development permit will be scheduled for approval. The applicant is working on these conditions and it is unknown at this time when the bylaws and permit will be ready for Council approval. More information will be posted to this webpage as it becomes available.
November 2015
Prior to Council considering the application, Darwin Construction is hosting a Development Application Information Meeting on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The meeting will be held at the West Vancouver Cricket Clubhouse (Hugo Ray Park) located at 1290 3rd Street, West Vancouver.
Council has scheduled a Public Hearing to hear representations from the public on the proposal for Monday, November 30, 2015 at 6 p.m. All submissions (written or oral) must be received prior to the close of the public hearing.
October 2015
Council will consider first reading of amending bylaws and related information about the proposed 17-unit single and two-family development application for 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue on Monday, November 2, 2015. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. and is held in Council Chamber at the West Vancouver Municipal Hall, 750 - 17th Street.
Regular Council Meeting - November 2, 2015
February 2015
At the February 16, 2015 Council meeting Council directed staff to bring forward proposed bylaws to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw, a proposed Development Permit, a draft tree protection covenant and a Phased Development Agreement to secure a Community Contribution, all for consideration. The package will be scheduled for a future Council meeting once the documents have been prepared and this webpage will be updated with that future Council date.
December 2014
The District hosted an Open House on the revised development proposal on November 25, 2014. Twenty-seven members of the public attended the meeting. The next step in the process is to review the input received from the community and the Design Review Committee (DRC) and report to Council on the findings and recommended next steps. This will likely occur at a Council meeting in the early New Year.
November 2014
Community Consultation Meeting (Open House) - November 25, 2014
Council Approved Notification Area Map
September 2014
The Design Review Committee (DRC) considered the revised proposal at its meeting on September 25, 2014. The Committee recommended support of the application, subject to staff review of the following:
- planting plan to be reviewed with respect to size and spacing;
- viability of western lawns to be reviewed;
- consider comments made by the committee regarding an architectural vocabulary consistent with the Elliot house;
- develop the LEED and heating strategy;
- storm water management plan should confirm that drainage still works if permeable pavers are clogged;
- consider simplifying the colour palette to reflect a more consistent relationship to mid century architecture.
The project will be scheduled for a Community Consultation Meeting in Fall 2014 (location, time and meeting details to be determined). After this additional consultation, the application will be scheduled for a Council meeting to report on the outcome of the community consultations and the DRC recommendations. Council will then determine the next steps for the project. This Council meeting will likely be in the early part of 2015.
DRC Submission September 25, 2014
September 2013
On September 23, 2013 Council directed that the development proposal be revised prior to advancing in the application review process, specifically:
- To reduce the size and/or number of units and modify unit layouts to reduce density;
- To provide for adequate visitor parking;
- To provide more contextual information (for re-submission to the Design Review Committee);
- To increase useable open space, provide private outdoor space for the units and provide landscape buffers between the neighbours;
- To ensure ease of vehicle turnaround within driveways;
- To introduce more variety, materiality and roof forms and consideration to the Elliott House; and
- To provide details about the proposed sustainability measures and landscape.
Staff was instructed to report back to Council with a review of the revised development plans and recommended next steps on advancing the application once the items are addressed.
The proposal is to redevelop 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue with 17 strata homes, consisting of 9 detached dwellings and 8 attached dwellings.
The plans include retention of the trees along the perimeter of the site and groups of trees at the north and south property lines. Various measures for storm water management are being reviewed, such as rain gardens, impervious paving and on-site detention. The access road through the site to Lawson Avenue is proposed to be closed off to vehicular traffic, with exception for emergency vehicles only.
Community Consultation Meeting - April 24, 2013
Council Approved Notification Area Map
Notice of Community Consultation Meeting
Meeting Agenda
DWV Consultation Meeting Presentation
Applicant’s Presentation
Hugo Ray Neighbourhood Committee Presentation
Completed Questionnaires
Summary of Community Input from May 2009 Visioning Workshop
Staff Reports
Staff Presentation to Council February 16, 2015
Report to Council February 16, 2015
Report to Design Review Committee September 25, 2014
Report to Council March 18, 2013
Report to Design Review Committee May 23, 2013
Report to Council September 23, 2013
The Proposal
Current development proposal
Previous development proposal
DP Booklet (January 2013)
Supporting Reports
Storm water management design brief
Parking and traffic report
Tree inventory
Servicing plan
Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner