November 2024 update
The project is currently in the early phase of construction. Tree removal work in the Marine Drive median is complete, additional tree removals on Marine Drive will take place in early 2025.
Storm sewer work is scheduled to begin in January 2025 and is expected to take approximately four to five months. The existing storm sewer, which crosses beneath Marine Drive, will be diverted along Marine Drive to 25th Street and down to Dundarave Lane. As part of this work, a portion of the median on Marine Drive approaching 25th Street will be removed.
Demolition is expected to begin in February 2025.
- Expect intermittent parking, traffic, and pedestrian impacts, including periodic parking lane closures on Marine Drive.
- Construction signage and traffic control personnel will be on site as required to assist with pedestrian safety and traffic flow.
Hours of construction: Work will take place Monday to Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Work will not take place on Sundays or statutory holidays.
July 2022 update
At their July 25, 2022 meeting, Council approved the development permit to allow for a three- storey, mixed-use building on Marine Drive.
Applicant Public Consultation Summary | July 2022
Staff Report | June 27, 2022
April 2022 update
The applicant hosted virtual and in-person public information meetings on April 5 and 6, 2022 about its proposed development. Please note that these were applicant-hosted meetings and were not District-led public consultations.
The proposal was considered by the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) on April 12, 2022, the North Shore Accessibility Committee on Disability Issues (ACDI) on April 14, 2022, and the Design Review Committee (DRC) on April 21, 2022. The committees expressed support for the respective public art, accessibility, and design of the proposal.
A date for consideration of the Development Permit by Council has not been determined at this time.
Applicant Public Engagement Summary
March 2022 update
Since the Design Review Committee (DRC) considered the proposal in September 2021, the applicant has taken a new approach to the architectural expression and massing of the building in response to the committee's recommendation. The DRC considered the current design concepts and directions of the proposal at its March 9, 2022 meeting and passed the following motion:
"That the Design Review Committee received the concept materials favourably for the 2452 to 2496 Marine Drive development permit application and the committee was in agreement with the general design direction and look forward to further development of the application."
The applicant has indicated that it will continue working on preparing a complete submission of the development proposal which will then be referred back to the DRC at a future meeting for its consideration (date to be determined).
Other advisory committee meetings will be scheduled and this page will be updated once meeting dates are confirmed.
A date for Council consideration of the development permit has not been determined at this time.
September 2021 update
The proposal was reviewed by the DRC on September 21, 2021. The Committee recommended a resubmission of the proposal and outlined a number of items for the applicant to address. Minutes of the meeting will be posted once approved by the DRC.
Further, based on the resubmission request by the DRC, consideration of the proposal by the North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (ACDI) will be postponed until a resubmission is considered by the DRC.
August 2021 update
The development permit proposal for a three-storey building along Marine Drive will be considered by the Design Review Committee (DRC) at its meeting on September 21, 2021, and by the North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues on October 14, 2021.
The proposed building is mixed-use with 55 residential units and approximately 27,300 square feet of commercial (office and retail) space. An underground parkade, accessed from the lane, will include 147 parking spaces.
Please see the Architectural Drawings and Renderings link below for more detailed information on the proposal.
The application is under staff review. A date for Council consideration of the permit has not yet been determined.
October 2019 Applicant Public Consultation Summary
Arborist Report
Architectural Drawings & Renderings
Jian Rasheed
Land Development Technician