Heritage Alteration Permit - 4701 Piccadilly South

Heritage Alteration Permit - Approved Applications

January 2017

The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits approved Heritage Alteration Permit 15 058 on January 25, 2017.

Permit and Schedules

Project Update | October 2016

The application for a Heritage Alteration Permit was considered by the Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee (LCAC) at its meeting on October 19, 2016. The recommendation of the committee was of SUPPORT for the application as follows:

Regarding Access:
That the recommendation of the LCAC is for support for Option "B" (access from Piccadilly South) to respect the wishes of the neighbourhood.

Regarding the House:
That the recommendation of the LCAC is for support of the proposed house subject to the review of the front entrance of the house, massing and the roof material with staff.

October 2016

The proposed Heritage Alteration Permit for 4701 Piccadilly South was reconsidered at the October 19, 2016, Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee (LCAC) meeting. 

Appendix A - Access via Clovelly Walk

Appendix B - Access via Piccadilly South

Appendix C - Proposed House Plans

Appendix D - Revised Riparian Assessment Report

Appendix F - Memo from McLean Armstrong

Memo to Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee - October 11, 2016

Streetview Rendering A

Streetview Rendering B

Applicant Presentation to Lower Caufeild Advisory Committee - October 19, 2016

Staff Presentation to Lower Caufeild Advisory Committee - October 19, 2016

March 2016

The District has received a joint-access proposal from the property owners at 4713 and 4701 Piccadilly South. The materials were delivered On Table at the Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee (LCAC) meeting March 30, 2016, at 6:30 p.mas part of the discussion.

Proposed Survey Plan

Proposed Joint Driveway Access Plan

Memo to Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee - March 17, 2016

Appendices to Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee Memo

January 2016

The District has received an application for a Heritage Alteration Permit for a new house at 4701 Piccadilly South. The application was previously considered by the Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee (LCAC) on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, meeting.

Memo to Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee

Appendix A Project Profile

Appendix B Applicant Summary Report

Appendix C Arborist Report

Appendix D Hydrology Report

Appendix E Planting Design & Plan Summary

Appendix F Draft Heritage Alteration Permit 15-058

Schedule A to Heritage Alteration Permit 15-058


Lisa Berg
Senior Community Planner