4212 Evergreen Avenue (DVP)

Development Application - Approved Applications

July 2024

Following public notification of this proposal, the Director of Planning & Development Services approved this Development Variance Permit on July 30, 2024.


The owners of 4212 Evergreen Avenue have submitted an application for a Minor Development Variance Permit to renovate the existing single-family dwelling on the subject property. 

The proposal would allow for renovations to the existing single-family dwelling on the subject property. The following Zoning bylaw variances are requested as per proposed plans:

  1. To vary the combined side yard setback of the RS4 Zone from 4.57 metres to 4.17 metres.
  2. To vary the waterfront setback under Section 130.13(1) of the Zoning Bylaw from 9.1 metres to 6.59 metres.

The variances are requested to enhance the architectural features of the existing single-family dwelling and to promote neighbourhood character.

Proposed Plans

Council has delegated the approval of minor development variance permits to the Director of Planning & Development Services, subject to public input. Please provide your written comments no later than 4:30 p.m. on July 23, 2024, to make them available to the Director for his consideration.


John Carbon
Planning Technician
(604) 921-3449