The District has received an application for a Heritage Alteration Permit to allow for alterations to the approved design of the proposed house and landscaping on the subject property.
Council adopted Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4942, 2017 which provided for legal protection of the Sutherland House (1768 Inglewood Avenue) in exchange for subdivision of the property and building an infill house (the “Burke House” at 1776 Inglewood Avenue) under Heritage Revitalization Bylaw No. 4943, 2017. Any changes to the approved plans require a Heritage Alteration Permit.
Under the approved Heritage Designation Bylaw for the property, a Heritage Alteration Permit can be considered by the Director of Planning and Development Services, subject to public input. Please provide your written comments no later than 4:30 p.m. on October 4, 2024, to make them available to the Director for consideration.
Erika Syvokas
Community Planner